продавец: LAUGFS Europe B.V.
Нидерланды, Зевенар, Mercurion 30


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20.50-25 17.00" / N / LAUGFS L.GRIP APT 2LAYER STD / TR шина цельнолитая

20.50-25 17.00" / N / LAUGFS L.GRIP APT 2LAYER STD / TR шина цельнолитая

20.50-25 17.00" / N / LAUGFS L.GRIP APT 2LAYER STD / TR шина цельнолитая
2 398,77 EUR
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A Grip On The Future ! LAUGFS Super Solid Tyres are designed for tough on the road and off the road construction machineries and vehicles. It is designed with extra deep directional tread and deep lugs to provide traction and durability. The wide - tread pattern and extra thick sidewall prevents tyre distortion while cornering. Its self - cleaning design keeps the tire clean of mud and dirt and makes the machine more energy efficient. Note All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis. Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments: - Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres; - Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres; - Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

A Grip On The Future!

LAUGFS Super Solid Tyres are designed for tough on the road and off the road construction machineries and vehicles. It is designed with extra deep directional tread and deep lugs to provide traction and durability. The wide - tread pattern and extra thick sidewall prevents tyre distortion while cornering. Its self - cleaning design keeps the tire clean of mud and dirt and makes the machine more energy efficient.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis.

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

A Grip On The Future!

LAUGFS Super Solid Tyres are designed for tough on the road and off the road construction machineries and vehicles. It is designed with extra deep directional tread and deep lugs to provide traction and durability. The wide - tread pattern and extra thick sidewall prevents tyre distortion while cornering. Its self - cleaning design keeps the tire clean of mud and dirt and makes the machine more energy efficient.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis.

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

LAUGFS LAUGFS • Артикул: 60004017

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